Everyday in a Hundred Ways Our Children Ask...

“Everyday in a hundred ways our children ask, ‘Do you see me? Do you hear me? Do I matter?’ Their behavior often reflects our response.”⁣ ~L. R. Knost⁣

Dealing with behavioral problems in our children can be so exhausting. It requires so much from us: time, energy, empathy, patience, firmness, decisiveness, perseverance, etc. ⁣

Some days I don’t have all that in me and that’s okay. That’s when I try to remember that a little extra playtime on the floor or some cozy cuddles on the couch can go a long way. ⁣

It’s extremely rare for them to actually fall asleep on me. It was a #biglovesmallmoments kind of thing. ⁣

Hang in there parents!
