INTEGRITY ⁣⁣- “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.”⁣⁣- “the state of being whole and undivided.”⁣- having internal consistency and lack of corruption. ⁣pc antho.dlx


⁣- “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.”⁣

⁣- “the state of being whole and undivided.”⁣

- having internal consistency and lack of corruption. ⁣

pc antho.dlx

pc Carolyn V

pc Carolyn V

pc Docteur Dylan Cozian

pc Docteur Dylan Cozian

the way you carry it.jpeg
thoughts cause.PNG
pc Paul Berthelon Bravo

pc Paul Berthelon Bravo

Feeling the pain of consequences, either from your own actions or those of others is heavy but don’t despair. Lift your head from the anguish and look up.⁣Every crisis has an opportunity for growth and change. What can you learn from the consequence…

Feeling the pain of consequences, either from your own actions or those of others is heavy but don’t despair. Lift your head from the anguish and look up.⁣

Every crisis has an opportunity for growth and change. What can you learn from the consequences? ⁣

When you are reminded about the failures, the discouragement, the hurt, the betrayal, the pain.

Don’t start to berate yourself, don’t fortune-tell the future by saying “it’ll never get better”. ⁣

Acknowledge your (or their) mistake, accept responsibility for only your part and ⁣be grateful for the consequences for within them you can seek the most change!

pc Sapan Patel

It’s easy to discredit yourself before you even begin. Fear of failure is crippling, doubt is quick to step in and haunt your dreams. Especially when you discover others are living out similar pursuits and seem to be doing it well. You might think “…

It’s easy to discredit yourself before you even begin. Fear of failure is crippling, doubt is quick to step in and haunt your dreams. Especially when you discover others are living out similar pursuits and seem to be doing it well. You might think “Why should I bother? It’s already being done.” ⁣ ⁣

Truth is, the world needs your unique spin. God has a special plan for you! Don’t let your fears and insecurities squelch your pursuits.

Don’t let the blooms of others keep you from focusing on yours. ⁣ ⁣Pursue, grow and BLOSSOM! ⁣ ⁣

pc Emily McDowell


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