Mindset Matters

Ages: 5-11

Confidence doesn’t come from trying and succeeding right away. Mindset Matters teaches kids that there are many obstacles to overcome but the biggest is our own mindset and how we think about the problem. The author highlights a “gonna-get-it-done mindset” as a way to approach tough challenges. The book encourages trying new things, persistence, and not giving up after your first failure.


“Included are tips for parents, educators, and counselors. This children's book is part of the Without Limits series and is a great tool for anyone wanting to help kids build self-esteem and develop positive emotions.” - Amazon

Book 1: Kindness Counts: A Story for Teaching Random Acts of Kindness

Book 2: Mindset Matters

Book 3: Empathy is My Superpower!: A Story About Showing You Care