Challenge #9: Concluding With a Little Advice

Challenge #9: Concluding With a Little Advice

…As funny as some of these might be, we can relate to them. Maybe you have once been triggered by “Aunt Betty’s input” on breastfeeding.

Remember, we cannot escape our triggers and our initial distortions but we CAN control our thoughts and beliefs. Glean what you can from others but stay true to yourself. Study what you aren’t sure about and deliberate over pros and cons with your spouse. Pray about it too.

If you get too confused and begin to worry about messing it all up, remember that kids are more resilient than that. You can only grow if you make mistakes from time to time. I promise, your kid won’t remember you as being neglectful or attempting to give him cancer. 

Challenge #8: Still a Wife?

Challenge #8: Still a Wife?

“…first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in a baby carriage.” 

It’s a jingle we’ve all heard. Maybe at some point we were the ones reciting it. However, one thing sure to confound us in almost every parenting journey is that at some point while pushing that carriage along we forget that once came marriage…

Challenge #7: Love Your Handles

Challenge #7: Love Your Handles

I was locked in the most incredible embrace with my 3 year old (at the time), Amelia. She was standing on a stool, squeezing tightly around my waist. Both of us were relishing the moment. She glanced up at me still hugging tightly. Looking deep into her eyes, I was about to tell her how much I loved her when she cut me off to confess what was on her heart…

“I love your squishy belly mommy!” 

Challenge #5: Send Her Back

Challenge #5: Send Her Back

Ava was almost a week old when Clara (2 at the time) stood by her side saying, “I wanna send her back”. When I asked where to send her back to, she lowered her head and whispered “to Dr. Pitts”. I was afraid I’d pop a C-section stitch from laughing so hard! Clara casually changed the subject. “Too much change Clara?” I asked as I pressed the matter at hand. “Ya…” she said.